Consider These Tips Before Your Next Road Trip

Posted Thursday, Sep 15, 2022


Road trips are an amazing opportunity to discover adventure.  When you travel by car, the actual drive is a huge part of the experience, rather than rushing to get to the final destination.  Road trips encourage you to be spontaneous, enjoy nature, disconnect, and make your own schedule - all of which are a great change from our normal routine.

This type of travel has clear differences when compared to jumping on a plane and staying in one location for the entirety of the trip, which means preparing for it also has notable differences.  If you’re going on a road trip for the first time, then you may be a little worried about how you should prepare.  Though the idea is to be spontaneous, there is some light planning that can help you have a more enjoyable experience.  These road trip tips will help you feel more comfortable on your journey and be better prepared for anything that comes your way.


Road Trip Tips

Take a Reliable Car


First things first - you have to consider whether your vehicle is up for the journey.  Remember that you won’t just be driving your regular route, but you’ll likely have to take some back roads that aren’t as developed.  Before you decide to go on a road trip, make sure that you have confidence that your car can handle the adventure.  Remember that some makes and models are better equipped than others for cross country road trips.


Inspect Your Vehicle Before Your Trip


Aside from having the right car for the adventure, you should also make sure that it’s in great condition.  This is super important, as you don’t want any unexpected vehicle problems along the way.  You should check the following things:


    • • Tire pressure
    • • Fluid levels
    • • Engine and breaks
    • • Battery
    • • Motor oil
    • • Lights
    • • Wiper blades


You can check many of these things yourself if you know how to, or you can have your vehicle inspected by a professional.  Remember that getting regular maintenance can save you from costly repairs in the future.


Know Where to Fill Your Gas Tank Along the Way


Before you head out, you should have a full tank of gas.  Though this may sound obvious, some people forget in the excitement of the moment.  Even more than that, you should always know where gas stations are located.  This better prepares you to drive for long periods of time between cities and gas stations.  And let’s not forget that driving with your gas light on for extended periods of time can cause lasting damage to your vehicle, so this tip should always be kept in mind.


Make a Plan


Some people want every detail planned out, while others love the idea of a spontaneous trip.  Whichever category you fall into, just know that while not everything needs to be planned, you should have a general idea of what you’ll be doing.  This helps you optimize your time and ensure that you have everything you need, such as gas, food, and a place to sleep.  If you’re going to camp the entire trip, then your schedule may be a little more flexible.  If you’re expecting to stay in hotels, on the other hand, then it’s recommended to plan your accommodation beforehand.

Some people also choose to make a bucket list of activities that they want to do.  This helps you and your travel partners prioritize which routes to take and how much time you should spend at each stop.


Practice Safe Driving Habits


This is another point that may seem obvious - but after hours and days of driving, it’s easier to stop being as alert.  There are many factors that contribute to safe driving, such as driving the speed limit, following traffic rules, and wearing your seatbelt.  Among the most important, though, is getting enough sleep at night.  Although you want to fill your trip with as many activities as possible, you should prioritize getting a good night’s sleep.  This is because driving while tired is dangerous to yourself and other drivers; in fact, it’s one of the common causes of car accidents.  If you ever feel too tired to continue driving, ask one of your travel partners to take over or find a safe place to take a break.


Keep Your Vehicle Clean


This may seem like a small task, but it can make a huge difference in your experience!  You don’t have to vacuum and deep clean your car every day, but there are small steps you can take to keep it better maintained, such as throwing out trash and clearing clutter.  If not, trash will accumulate and make the drive less comfortable and more stressful.  Since you’ll be spending a significant amount of time in your vehicle, you can have a fresher mind when you keep it organized.

If your vehicle could use a clean before you head out, then there are services that come to your house to do it for you.  Rinzer offers car washes delivered to your doorstep so you can start your trip with a clean car, without having to worry about doing it yourself.


Pack a Spare Tire


Unfortunately, flat tires happen, especially on long trips and bumpy back roads.  Although this will ideally be avoided, it’s always better to be prepared.  You’ll be happy you are, especially if you get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. 


And Don’t Forget the Snacks!


One of the best things about road trips are the snacks you get to bring along!  This isn’t only good for cravings, but also for maintaining your hunger when there aren’t many food options available.  If you have to drive a couple of hours without passing any restaurants or gas stations, you’ll be glad you have a bag of snacks with you.


Taking Your Car on a Road Trip

One of the exciting things about buying a car is that you can take it on road trips!  This is among the many reasons why it’s important to purchase a vehicle that’s in great condition.  At Lux Auto Centre, we sell high-quality used cars that are perfect for everyday use, as well as cross country road trips.  If you’re ready to take your vehicle on a road trip, consider the tips from this article.